My journey up until this point has always been about the detail. That has been my obsession and the process to make this detail come to life has taken a whole-hearted dedication. There are no half measures; it’s all-in or nothing. Having the freedom to create what happens in my dreams is definitely the best part!
I fell in love with creating with textures from an early age. It instantly became my life. You know that kid who is forever touching the clothes in the shops; ALL the fabrics in the local haberdashery (still do this to this day); sketching in the books with empty pages and don’t get me started on the stationary (and when the pages had writing on them, I turned to the walls hahaha)… that child? Well, that was me! I had discovered texture and that was the beginning of something incredible. Designing became a way to express myself and because I have been designing from such a young age, a strong signature style has developed in my work, both intentionally and unintentionally.
At the age of 16, I was gifted my first sewing machine. I still have this machine in the workroom today on the shelf, after many faithful college days (and nights) and a few wedding dresses later. After many years of discovering new textures, I took the leap straight after high school and studied Fashion & Textiles at the Durban University of Technology right up until Masters level.
Looking back on my childhood and the early signs of creativity, I have made a career out of taking these textures and creating something extra-ordinary. A passion was ignited somewhere in those early years and there really has been no holding back since.
Have a look at a timeline of a few of my greatest and most memorable highlights over the years here.